New: Law Library knowledge clips

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The Law Library has recorded some knowledge clips to help students (and staff) get started searching for legal information. Three videos are currently available to help you find different document types: legal literature, EU legislation and UN treaties, and case notes.

Finding legal literature
This video covers the initial steps to take when you're given a research assignment. First, you will get some tips on developing a research strategy. In the second part of the video, you will learn several advanced search techniques using examples in Google Scholar, HeinOnline, and NexisUni.
More information can be found on the Law Library's website in the research guides Legal Literature and Searching, writing and citing.

Finding EU legislation and UN treaties
In this video, you will learn how to find EU legislation in EUR-Lex and UN treaties in the United Nations Treaty Collection. More information is available on the Library's website in the guide Legislation and Treaties and the manual How to find a treaty.

Finding case notes
This video shows how to find case law in EUR-Lex and Westlaw. In particular, you will learn how to search for case notes related to the cases that you have found. An overview of more resources for finding international case law is available on the Library's website in the Case law guide.

More videos from the Law Library
In addition to the English knowledge clips, there are also four videos available in Dutch. Go to this previous blog post to watch these kennisclips.

Do you want to know more about the various services that the Law Library has to offer? Watch the short introduction video below (or watch the video in Dutch).