Advanced HeinOnline Searching

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If you follow the steps in this blog you will learn how to use the advanced search options of HeinOnline.

HeinOnline has a number of subsidiary collections of US, Canadian, UK, international and other legal publications. The Universityโ€™s subscription includes access to the Law Journal Library; World Constitutions Illustrated and Foreign & International Law Resources Database.

HeinOnline is available both on and off campus.

Literature review

Maybe you are interested in the question what the concept "that all men are created equal" meant in 1776. A search of "Declaration of Independence" in the search box results in too many hits. How can you refine search results in HeinOnline?

Help with using the service is available by following Search Help link below the search bar. Search Help shows a list of the most commonly used search syntax. The use of "AND" "OR" "NOT" Boolean Operators, "phrase searching" and proximity searching.

"AND" operator results in sources that include both terms. Key word searching, with phrases placed within quotations is helpful to search for documents containing the exact phrase. /s searches for terms in the same sentence.

Now type in the search box of HeinOnline: "Declaration of Independence" /s 1776 AND "that all men are created equal" /s slavery

With the tool PathFinder Subjects below Refine Your Search you can further refine the search query, for example on the subject of slavery. This yields 18 search results. This search functionality helps you find exactly the documents you are looking for and prevents information overload.

More information

On the website of the Law Library you can find more information about literature searching. Of course you can always call the library, e-mail or drop by with questions.