The Peace Palace Library - one of the most prestigious international law libraries in the world - offers several ways to keep up with the activities of the library and the latest developments in international law in general.
New titles alerts
Each week about six hundred new titles are added to the Peace Palace Library’s collection. The library offers an alert service which informs subscribers about recent acquisitions. You can choose the topics you are interested in and subscribe to either the email alerts or the RSS alerts.
It is also possible to create your own ‘new titles search alert’. Submit a word or phrase and you will receive a RSS alert on new books or articles with that word or phrase in the title.
Library blog
The library blog is written by the librarians and covers various subjects related to international law. Every blog post contains references to publications in the library as well as links to external sources.
International law news
The international law news service offers links to news items and articles from newspapers, journals and blogs about international law and related topics.
More information on how to use RSS can be found on the University Library’s website.