Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

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Looking for articles on foreign law or in foreign languages? Use the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) to find them. IFLP is a multilingual index that provides citations to articles appearing in over 500 legal journals published worldwide in all languages. It covers public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions. An overview of all indexed materials can be found on the IFLP website.

IFLP is available through HeinOnline as a separate database and is also included in the Law Journal Library.

When searching the Law Journal Library the IFLP is included in your search. Results from IFLP are displayed at the top of the search results.

It is also possible to search IFLP separately. You can find articles using the search screen or the browsing options on the collection’s homepage. Browsing by subject allows you to find publications on a specific subject in any language. Read the IFLP Quick reference guide to learn more about these options.

Many of the materials included in the IFLP are also available in full text in HeinOnline. If so, a link to the article is provided in the article description. If not, you can use the UvA-linker button next to the article description. The UvA-linker tells you if and where the article can be found.

Voorbeeld IFLP

3 thoughts on “Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

  1. Pingback: Update to Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) | JURBIB

  2. Pingback: New in HeinOnline: IFLP subject alerts | JURBIB

  3. Pingback: New interface for HeinOnline | JURBIB

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