Several new volumes of the Collected Courses/Recueil des Cours have been added to Collected Courses Online.
Another new addition is the User Guide with information on searching and browsing all Collected Courses. The User Guide is available in English and in French.
See below for an overview of the volumes published this year:
Volume 382:
- Data Protection Law and International Dispute Resolution / D. Cooper and C. Kuner
- International Case Law in the Development of International Law / B.B. Jia
Volume 383:
- Le droit international entre la lettre et l'esprit. Cours général de droit international public / Mohamed Bennouna
- L'influence de la multiplication des juridictions internationales sur l'application du droit international / Massimo Iovane
Volume 384:
- Private International Law: Idealism, Pragmatism, Eclecticism. General Course on Private International Law / Symeon C. Symeonides
Volume 385:
- Why Do we Need a Law of Treaties? / Sir Franklin Berman
- Protection internationale des droits de l'homme et activités des sociétés transnationales / Fabrizio Marella
About the Collected Courses
Each year the The Hague Academy of International Law organizes courses on private and public international law at the Peace Palace. The courses are published in the Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law (also known as Recueil des cours de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye), which are the most important encyclopaedic publication on private and public international law. All volumes (from 1923) are available through Collected Courses Online.