IBFD, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, is a centre of expertise, offering information and education on international taxation. IBFD is an authority on cross-border taxation and provides research services on a vast array of topics in international taxation.
You can visit the IBFD Library for research purposes. See the tab Library for more information about the address, collection and opening hours.
The IBFD Tax Research Platform is the front-end access to all IBFD products and has recently been renewed. Part of the IBFD online platform is freely accessible and part is only accessible to registered users.
The Platform keeps you informed and provides quick links to important content and tools through the following sections:
- Tax Dossiers: provides quick links to the most relevant documents and tools on hot tax topics such as US Tax Reform, the MLI and BEPS.
- IBFD Webinars: lists the latest webinar so you can easily register for the next one.
- Timeline: see a news archive of all information shared on the new Home page so you will never miss any important update.
- Announcements: highlights important news about major developments, journal articles, White Papers, product enhancements and new content on the IBFD Tax Research Platform.