IMLI Treatise on Global Ocean Governance available on OSAIL

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All three volumes of the IMLI Treatise on Global Ocean Governance are now online available on OSAIL. The Treatise aims to cover the whole spectrum of global ocean governance and is edited by experts from the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI).

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is considered the cornerstone of global ocean governance. Due to the Conventions burdensome amendment provisions, complementary mechanisms have been developed under the umbrella of the United Nations and other international organizations. However, this has lead to a fragmented approach.

The IMLI Treatise proposes a new paradigm on the basis of integrated and cross-sectoral approach in order to realise a more effective and sustainable governance regime for the oceans.

Volume I: UN and Global Ocean Governance provides an analysis of the UN in relation to ocean governance and examines how its present legal, policy, and institutional frameworks address ocean governance challenges.

Volume II: UN Specialized Agencies and Global Ocean Governanceย addresses the contribution of UN Specialized Agencies to the sustainable governance of the oceans. It also examines how co-ordinated their efforts are and speculates on what measures need to be passed to ensure effective future global governance.

Volume III: The IMO and Global Ocean Governance examines the structure and actions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and charts the development of modern sea law.

OSAIL provides full text access to online reference works and treatises on international law, published by Oxford University Press. It is available within the UvA network.