Workshop Open Access & Social Media

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Why would you publish Open Access? And how do you use Social Media to highlight your (Open Access) publications? Designed for researchers at the UvA, HvA, and VU.

In this workshop:

  • you will learn why Open Access publishing is important;
  • there will be a short introduction to social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mendeley and Google+;
  • you will learn which media fit specific purposes;
  • you will find out about the doโ€™s and donโ€™ts of using social media.

Duration: 2 hours

Participants: minimum of 4, maximum of 20.

The workshop is free of charge.

This workshop is scheduled on three consecutive days, and each day the workshop will be held at a different location. Each institution will host one workshop. You are welcome at any of the three locations, regardless of which institution you yourself are affiliated with.

Click here to sign up!

More information on Open Access (in English or in Dutch).