The Max Planck encyclopedia of European private law

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New in collection! The Max Planck encyclopedia of European private law edited by Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann, and Andreas Stier.

This encyclopedia (in 2 volumes) systematically gathers the available information at all different levels and in all various branches of private law and gives an overview on all major areas of European private law.

The Encyclopedia consists of approximately 500 entries in alphabetical order. Each entry covers the subject matter with regard to its legal history, the comparative law dimension and unification projects - where they exist. A bibliography at the end of each entry provides an overview of the most important publications for further reading.

The encyclopedia can be found in the library at call number C.1.3.ENCY, and is for 'use within library' only.

Table of contents (PDF) can be found here.