Kluwer Arbitration and other resources for international arbitration research

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Kluwer Arbitration, an online resource for international arbitration research, has recently been redesigned. The new interface makes it easier to navigate the website and find the information that you need. Refer to the Quick start card for some useful tips and tricks.

About Kluwer Arbitration
Kluwer Arbitration provides full-text access to a collection of over 400 books and 23 journals on arbitration and international investment agreements. It also contains related case law, conventions, legislation, treaties, and news.

Additionally, Kluwer Arbitration has some practical tools, including:

More resources on arbitration
Besides Kluwer Arbitration, the Law Library also provides access to other relevant resources such as:

  • Investor-State LawGuide: treaties, rules of arbitration, decisions, and awards.
  • Investment Arbitration Reporter (IAReporter): news and analysis service focusing on international arbitrations between foreign investors and their host governments.
  • WorldTradeLaw.net: free access to current trade news and a full-text search engine for WTO decisions. The subscription service Dispute settlement commentary (DSC) provides a summary and analysis of all WTO dispute settlement decisions.
  • Westlaw - Arbitration Materials: international arbitration cases as well as relevant conventions and international investment agreements.

For more books, journals, and other sources on arbitration law, have a look at the research guide International Trade and Investment Law on the Law Library's website.