New subscriptions to Kluwer Online Manuals

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The Law Library recently subscribed to four new subsets of Kluwer Online Manuals a useful source for anyone conducting comparative legal research.

Kluwer Enforcement of Foreign Judgments allows users to research a particular country's requirements regarding enforcement policies towards foreign judgments.

The IE for Media Law intends to offer a country-by-country survey of media law throughout the world. It will survey each country's media landscape and analyse the laws governing press freedom, including those concerning access to information, defamation and privacy.

The International Encyclopaedia for Migration Law deals with international and national rules on immigration and right of residence of non-nationals. It contains national monographs on the migration law applicable in each country.

Montreal Convention covers the Montreal Convention on the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air.

IEL is a series of 25 reference works available through Kluwer Law Online (under the Manuals tab). You can read more about the International Encyclopaedia of Laws in our previous blog post.