Are you interested in open access publishing? Join one of the seminars during International Open Access Week 2016. Between 24 October and 30 October several speakers will share their knowledge about this year's theme 'Open in action'.
The UvA, VU and HvA are organising three seminars in Amsterdam during the Open Access Week. Participation is free of charge and open to researchers, students and others who are interested.
- Monday 24 October - 12:00-13:00 (VU, F-D146 Atrium):
Science edited for kids, by kids: open access and social impact
- Wednesday 26 October - 12:00-13:00 (UvA/FNWI, Room C0.110):
VSNU open access negotiations with the publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, Springer
- Thursday 27 October - 12:00-13:00 (HvA/Wibauthuis, room WBH 02A30):
Accelerating the transition to open access: with information about the NWO call for open access journals
Please refer to the University Library's website for more information and to register for the seminars.
Other Dutch libraries also participate by organising activities during Open Access Week 2016. An overview of all events is available on, the national platform on open access in the Netherlands.