The Library now provides access to a large collection of e-books published by Cambridge University Press, including over 4800 books relevant to Law. The collection also contains 300 books from publisher Intersentia. A complete overview is available on the Cambridge University Press website. All e-books are available within the UvA domain and can be found via the UvA CataloguePlus.
Below are some highlights from this new collection, in various fields of law:
- The Cambridge handbook of comparative law / edited by Mathias Siems, Po Jen Yap
- The Cambridge handbook of China and international law / Ignacio de la Rasilla, Congyan Cai
- The use of force and the international legal system / Terry Gill, Kinga Tibori Szabó
- The colonate in the Roman Empire / Boudewijn Sirks
- Due diligence obligations in international law / Alice Ollino
- Completing humanity. The international law of decolonization, 1960–82 / Umut Özsu
- The right to life under international law: an interpretative manual / Stuart Casey-Maslen
- Schemes of arrangement: theory, structure, and operation / Jennifer Payne
- Shared obligations in international law / Nataša Nedeski
- Imperialism, sovereignty, and the making of international law / Antony Anghie
- Remedies for human rights violations: a two-track approach to supra-national and national law / Kent Roach
- The Cambridge handbook of immunities and international law / edited by Tom Ruys, Nicolas Angelet, Luca Ferro
- The ghostwriters: lawyers and the politics behind the judicial construction of Europe / Tommaso Pavone
- Frontex and non-refoulement : the international responsibility of the EU / Roberta Mungianu