‘Open up to open access’ is the slogan of a national campaign by the VSNU, which starts today. By publishing open access you stimulate the reuse of knowledge in science as well as in education, health care, public administration and other professions. Moreover, thanks to open access non-academics have free access to high-quality information and are not confronted by paywalls.
During the past two years, universities in the Netherlands have made agreements (‘big deals’) with publishers about open access publishing in their journals. As a result, UvA researchers can now publish open access in more than 8,000 journals for free or with a discount up to 90%.
Legal researchers can publish open access without any costs in e.g.:
- European Property Law Journal
- European Review of Contract Law
- Leiden Journal of International Law
- European Journal of Migration and Law
- International Criminal Law Review
- Legal History Review
- Cambridge Law Review
- International Organizations Law Review
- European Journal of Law and Economics
- Law and Philosophy
These journals are part of the De Gruyter, Springer, Brill and recently closed Cambridge University Press deals. For an overview of all deals, see the financing options available to UvA researchers.
To quickly check if the UvA has an agreement with the publisher of a specific journal, search the E-journals list by title or ISSN. Click the title and the UvA-linker pops up. Journals for which there is an open access agreement have the text ‘UvA open access agreement’ (see example).
Alternatively, you can use the open access journal browser.
Would you like to know more about the possibilities of open access publishing or do you need help with an open access publication in a legal journal? Contact the Law Library or send an email to openaccess@uva.nl.
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