How to borrow publications from all Dutch libraries

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Are you looking for a book or article that is not available at one of the UvA libraries? Use WorldCat Discovery to request publications from other libraries in the Netherlands through interlibrary loan (ILL).

WorldCat Discovery is a global catalogue, containing books, journals, and other materials from more than a thousand libraries all over the world, including all Dutch university libraries.

Find and request books

  • If you are looking for a specific book, enter the author’s last name and distinctive title words in the search box. Enter one or more keywords if you want to find books on a specific topic.
  • Use the menu on the left to refine your search results and select Format > Print Book (Note that although you can find e-books in WorldCat Discovery, these cannot be requested);
  • Click on a book title to check availability and supplying institutions;
  • Click Request this item via interlibrary loan* to request the book.
  • Fill in the mandatory fields in the request form and choose the location where you want to collect your requested books. This can be the Law Library (Juridische Bibliotheek) or any other UvA library.

* Please note: if an item is indicated as being At Library University of Amsterdam it is not possible to submit an ILL request yourself. However, other options may be available. Send an email to to enquire about alternatives.

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Find and request journal articles

  • Enter the author’s last name and (part of) the article’s title to find a particular article.
  • If you can’t find the article, try to find the journal in which it was published. Enter the journal title and use quotations marks to phrase the journal title (e.g. “Entertainment law review”).
  • Use the menu on the left to refine your search results and select Format > Article or Journal;
  • Click on a title and then Request this item via interlibrary loan to request a copy of the article. If you click on a journal title, you can specify which article you need in the ILL request form.
  • Copies of articles will be sent to you by email.

Costs and conditions
Requests are free of charge for UvA students and staff until the end of this term (August 2022). More information about conditions and charges is available on the library’s website.

Consult the manual (pdf) for further instructions on submitting an ILL request.

Update: March 2022