The Law Library has now an active subscription to the Oxford Scholary Authorities on International Law (OSAIL). OSAIL contains full text online reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, such as the Oxford Commentaries on International Law.
All titles are fully searchable and browsable by subject matter, title and author. Chapters can be printed or downloaded in PDF. The individual titles can be found either through the UvA-catalogue or through the OSAIL portal (click 'Browse all' -> 'Book titles' to select an individual title -> and click 'Update').
See below an overview of all available titles (30) and direct link to the full text:
1) The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol : A Commentary (2011) Edited by Andreas Zimmermann, Jonas Dörschner (Assistant), Felix Machts (Assistant)
2) The 1972 World Heritage Convention : A Commentary (2008) Edited by Francesco Francioni
3) Counter-Terrorism : International Law and Practice (2012) Edited by Ana María Salinas de Frías, Katja Samuel, Nigel D White
4) The Creation of States in International Law (2nd ed.) (2007) James R. Crawford
5) Diplomatic Law : Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (3rd ed.) (2008) Eileen Denza
6) The Function of Law in the International Community (2011) Hersch Lauterpacht
7) Human Rights in Times of Conflict and Terrorism (2011) Louise Doswald-Beck
8) The International Criminal Court : A Commentary on the Rome Statute (2010) William A. Schabas
9) International Investment Law for the 21st Century : Essays in Honour of Christoph Schreuer (2009) Edited by Christina Binder, Ursula Kriebaum, August Reinisch, Stephan Wittich
10) The Law of International Responsibility (2010) Edited by James R Crawford, Alain Pellet, Simon Olleson, Kate Parlett (Assistant)
11) The Law of Investment Treaties (2010) Jeswald W. Salacuse
12) The Law of Treaties (1986) Lord McNair
13) Legal Aspects of Carbon Trading : Kyoto, Copenhagen, and beyond (2009) Edited by David Freestone, Charlotte Streck
14) The Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict (2005) UK Ministry of Defence
15) Multinational Enterprises & the Law (2nd ed. 2007) Peter T. Muchlinski
16) Oppenheim's International Law : Volume 1 Peace (9th ed. 2008) Edited by Sir Robert Jennings, Sir Arthur Watts
17) The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law (2008) Edited by Daniel Bodansky, Jutta Brunnée, Ellen Hey
18) The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law (2009) Edited by Daniel Bethlehem, Donald McRae, Rodney Neufeld, Isabelle Van Damme
19) Problems and Process: International Law and how we use it (1995) Rosalyn Higgins
20) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : A Commentary (2002) Edited by Professor Antonio Cassese, Professor Paola Gaeta, Mr John R.W.D. Jones
21) Satow's Diplomatic Practice (6th ed. 2009) Edited by Sir Ivor Roberts KCMG
22) Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights : A Commentary on the TRIPS Agreement (2007) Carlos M. Correa
23) Transnational Organized Crime : A Commentary on the UN Convention and its Protocols (2007) David McClean
24) Treaty Interpretation (2010) Richard Gardiner
25) The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women : A Commentary (2012) Edited by Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin, Beate Rudolf
26) The United Nations Convention Against Torture : A Commentary (2008) Manfred Nowak, Elizabeth McArthur
27) The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties : A Commentary (2011) Edited by Olivier Corten, Pierre Klein
28) The WTO Agreement on Agriculture : A Commentary (2006) Joseph McMahon
29) The WTO Agreement on Safeguards : A Commentary (2006) Alan O. Sykes
30) The WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement : A Commentary (2005) Edwin Vermulst
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