Last year, the three-volumed Treatise on International Criminal Law by Kai Ambos was completed with the publication of Volume III: International Criminal Procedure. All volumes are now available online through Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL).
Treatise on International Criminal Law is a comprehensive work on the principles and practice of international criminal law (ICL), from its foundations to its future. Below is an overview of the content of each volume:
- Volume I: Foundations and General Part
Volume I features an analysis of the history and sources of international criminal law, the imputation and structure of crime in ICL, individual criminal responsibility, requirements of international crimes, and grounds excluding responsibility.
- Volume II: The Crimes and Sentencing
This volume provides an analysis of the international core crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression, and relevant treaty crimes. The last chapter examines the law of concours (concursus delictorum) and sentencing and contains a proposal for a more consistent sentencing regime for the ICC.
- Volume III: International Criminal Procedure
The final volume offers an analysis of proceedings before the International Criminal Court, including fair trial rights, the status of legal participants, complementarity, evidence, cooperation, and enforcement. It also examines the relationship between the ICC, domestic courts, and international criminal tribunals.
The Law Library also has a print version of Volume I and II; Volume III will follow soon.