To mark World Refugee Day, held every year on 20 June, this blog post offers a selection of sources on refugee law and forced migration which can be found in the Law Library and on the Internet.
Books and commentaries
- The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol: a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann (2011)
- The law of refugee status / James C. Hathaway and Michelle Foster (2nd ed. 2014)
- The Oxford handbook of refugee and forced migration studies / edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, Nando Sigona (2014)
- The human rights of migrants and refugees in European law / Cathryn Costello (2016)
- Humanity at sea: maritime migration and the foundations of international law / Itamar Mann (2016)
- EU immigration and asylum law: a commentary / edited by Kay Hailbronner, Daniel Thym (2nd ed. 2016)
- States, the law and access to refugee protection: fortresses and fairness / edited by Maria O’Sullivan and Dallal Stevens (2017)
- Accessing asylum in Europe: extraterritorial border controls and refugee rights under EU law / Violeta Moreno-Lax (2017)
- Children’s rights and refugee law: conceptualising children within the Refugee Convention / Samantha Arnold (2018)
- Asiel & Migrantenrecht
- European Journal of Migration and Law
- Forced Migration Review
- International Journal of Refugee Law
- Journal of Refugee Studies
- Refugee Survey Quarterly
Databases and websites
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law - encyclopedia with entries on Refugees and the International Refugee Organization (IRO)
- Oxford bibliographies International law - encylopedic articles, including an entry on Refugees
- Refworld - UN database containing texts, documents, and case law on the field of refugee law
- UNHCR - website of the UN Refugee Agency
- European Database of Asylum Law - case law from 22 European states interpreting refugee and asylum law as well as from the CJEU and ECtHR
- Finding solutions to migratory pressures - website about the Council of the European Union's migration policy
- Migratieweb - national and international case law concerning migration law (Dutch)
- Verblijfblog - blog written by the Migration Law Section of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Dutch)
Research guides
Research guides often provide a good starting point to explore a subject. More sources on refugee law can be found through the following guides:
- Human rights law - Law Library UvA
- Refugees and asylum seekers - United Nations Library and Archives at Geneva
- Refugees - Peace Palace Library
- OUP resources on refugee law - book chapters, articles and other content, made freely accessible by Oxford University Press