Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Lawย adds 15 new and 46 updated articles. You can find a complete list of new content here.
The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) is a comprehensive online resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of public international law.
Each of the 1,700 articles selected for publication within the MPEPIL has been chosen to reflect the history of public international law and/or recent growth areas such as criminal law, human rights law, economic law, and environmental law. New content is added three to four times a year, and existing content is continuously revised.
Browse or search articles by subject, title or author. Print friendly PDFs of each article are available. The MPEPIL also features the Oxford Law Citator, which provides links between related cases, articles, and additional materials within the encyclopedia, other online resources from OUP, and selected third party websites.