100 GB SURFdrive available for all UvA employees

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SURFdrive logoSURFdrive is a personal cloud storage service, similar to Dropbox, developed by SURF for the Dutch higher education and research community.

Unlike other cloud storage services SURFdrive complies with Dutch legislation and the Framework of Legal Standards for Cloud Services in Higher Education.

All data is securely stored within the Netherlands and SURF does not share information with third parties.

Log in
You can access SURFdrive through a web browser. Go to http://surfdrive.surf.nl/ and log in using your UvAnetID. There are also SURFdrive apps available for iOS and Android.

Save and share
All users get 100 GB data storage capacity. It is possible to share your files with other SURFdrive users, but also - by generating a link - with someone who doesn't have access to SURFdrive.ย Sharing of files can only be done through the web browser.
A link to a file or folder can be protected by a password. Furthermore, you can set an expiration date: after this date your shared files will be unavailable to others.

Syncing files
Use the 'SURFdrive sync client' to keep your files on SURFdrive in sync with a folder on your computer. How to install this sync client is described on the information page by ICT Services (only in Dutch).

More information
For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions or manuals on the SURFdrive website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the library.