Online: Collected courses/Recueil des cours - Volume/Tome 356

Each year the The Hague Academy of International Law organizes a course on  private and public international law at the Peace Palace.

These lectures - taught by prominent legal scholars - are published in the Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law also known as the Recueil des cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye. All courses are, in principle, published in the language (English of French) in which they were originally delivered.

Collected Courses Online
All published volumes (since 1923) are full text available - and searchable - through our subscription on the Collected Courses Online.
With the advanced search it is also possible to find a specific volume or to search with keywords (a list of keywords is available!).

Tome/Volume 356
The most recent volume of the Collected Courses holds publications from Jeffry Talpis on the treatment of legally authorized methods for transferring property at death otherwise than by succession (Succession substituties) and Evelyne Lagrange on L’efficacité des normes internationales concernant la situation des personnes privées dans les ordres juridiques internes.

1 thought on “Online: Collected courses/Recueil des cours - Volume/Tome 356

  1. Pingback: Online: Collected Courses/Recueil des Cours – Volumes/Tomes 379 and 380 – JURBIB

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