December 2024
Elke maand selecteert de Juridische Bibliotheek een aantal boeken uit de collectie rondom een actueel thema. Je vindt deze boeken bij de Reading Retreat bij de ingang van de bibliotheek. Daarnaast staat hieronder de bijbehorende leeslijst, met verwijzingen naar zowel papieren boeken als e-books.
Op 10 december is het de Dag van de Mensenrechten. Op 10 december 1948 werd namelijk de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens aangenomen door de Verenigde Naties. Deze maand is het thema daarom Human Rights Reserved.
De geselecteerde boeken bieden inzicht in de belangrijkste mensenrechtenverdragen en besteden aandacht aan specifieke groepen, zoals kinderen en migranten. Daarnaast zijn er boeken die verschillende aspecten van mensenrechten belichten, bijvoorbeeld hoe ze van invloed zijn op werk, kunst en wetenschap.
Meer boeken over mensenrechten vind je in de bibliotheek bij plaatsnummer 184: FA - FO. Kijk ook in de onderzoeksgids Human Rights Law op onze website voor nog meer boeken, tijdschriften en databanken.
Each month the Law Library selects a number of books from its collection on a current theme. These books can be found in the Reading Retreat near the entrance to the library. You will also find the corresponding reading list below, with references to both paper books and e-books.
On 10 December, it is Human Rights Day. This date marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations on this day in 1948. This month’s theme is therefore Human Rights Reserved.
The selected books provide insights into key human rights treaties and highlight specific groups, such as children and migrants. Additionally, there are books that explore various aspects of human rights, such as their influence on work, art, and science.
More books on this topic can be found in the library at call number 184: FA - FO. Take a look at the Human Rights Law research guide on our website for even more books, journals, and databases.
Print books:
- Are human rights for migrants? Critical reflections on the status of irregular migrants in Europe and the United States / ed. M.B. Dembour and T. Kelley (2012)
- Article by article: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for a new generation / J. Morsink (2022)*
- Artificial intelligence and human rights / ed. A. Quintavalla, J. Temperman (2023)
- The complexity of human rights: from vernacularization to quantification / ed. P. Alston (2024)
- Human rights at work: reimagining employment law / A. Bogg, H. Collins, A.C.L. Davies, V. Mantouvalou (2024)
- Justice deferred: race and the Supreme Court / O.V. Burton and A. Derfner (2021)
- Justice, freedom, rights: an introduction to the history of human rights / F. Rossi (2024)
- The law and politics of international human rights courts: the dilemma of effectiveness / A. Stone Sweet and W. Sandholtz (2024)
- Lawyers beyond borders: advancing international human rights through local laws and courts / M. Armoudian (2021)
- Reparations and reparatory justice: past, present, and future / ed. S.K. Cha-Jua, M.F. Berry, and V.P. Franklin
- Sexuality and transsexuality under the European Convention on Human Rights : a queer reading of human rights law / D.A. Gonzalez Salzberg (2019)
- Shaping rights in the ECHR: the role of the European Court of Human Rights in determining the scope of human rights / ed. E. Brems, J. Gerards (2013)
- Slavery reparations time is now: exposing lies, claiming justice for global survival, an international legal assessment / N. Wittmann (2013)
- Tackling torture: prevention in practice / M.D. Evans (2023)
- The UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in practice: a comparative analysis of the role of courts / ed. L. Waddington and A. Lawson (2018)*
- The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: a commentary / ed. J. Hohmann, M. Weller (2018)*
- We, the data : human rights in the digital age / W.H. Wong (2023)
- Worthy of freedom: indenture and free labor in the era of emancipation / J. Connolly (2024)
* Also available as e-book
- Art and human rights. A multidisciplinary approach to contemporary issues / F. Gantheret, N. Guibert, S. Stolk (2023)
- Artificial Intelligence and international human rights law. Developing standards for a changing world / M. Balcerzak, J. Kapelanska-Pregowska (2024)
- Children’s rights. A commentary on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Protocols / W. Vandenhole, G. E. Türkelli, S. Lembrechts (2nd ed. 2024)
- Children’s rights, ‘foreign fighters’, counter-terrorism. Children of nowhere / R. van Ark, D. Prabhat, F. Gordon (2024)
- Elgar encyclopedia of human rights / ed. Christina Binder (2022)
- Free internet access as a human right / M. Reglitz (2024)
- Global rights? Human rights in complex governance / ed. N. Bhuta, R. Vallejo (2024)
- Handbook on the European Convention on Human Rights / M.E. Villiger (2023)
- The human right to science: history, development, and normative content / C.P.R. Romano, A. Boggio (2024)
- Human rights strategies. Benefits and drawbacks / I. Westendorp (2024)
- Research handbook on EU disability law / ed. D. Ferri, A. Broderick (2020)
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a commentary / H. Cantu Rivera (2023)