Elke maand selecteert de Juridische Bibliotheek een aantal boeken uit de collectie rondom een actueel thema. Je vindt deze boeken bij de Reading Retreat bij de ingang van de bibliotheek. Daarnaast staat hieronder de bijbehorende leeslijst, met verwijzingen naar zowel papieren boeken als e-books.
Deze maand is het thema: Laws of paws and claws. Ter ere van Werelddierendag hebben we boeken geselecteerd die dieren en dierenrechten bespreken vanuit verschillende invalshoeken. Meer boeken over dit onderwerp vind je in de bibliotheek bij plaatsnummer 184: E en 184: IR.
Each month the Law Library selects a number of books from its collection on a current theme. These books can be found in the Reading Retreat near the entrance to the library. You will also find the corresponding reading list below, with references to both paper books and e-books.
This month's theme is: Laws of paws and claws. In honor of World Animal Day, we have selected books that discuss various aspects of animals and animal rights. More books on this topic can be found in the library at call number 184: E and 184: IR.
- Animal ethics and animal law / edited by Andrew Linzey and Clair Linzey (2022)
- Animals and the law in antiquity / Saul M. Olyan, Jordan D. Rosenblum (2021)*
- Animals as crime victims / ed. Lacey Levitt, David B. Rosengard, Jessica Rubin (2024)*
- Animals as legal beings : contesting anthropocentric legal orders / Maneesha Deckha (2021)
- Animals in the international law of armed conflict / ed. by Anne Peters, Robert Kolb, Jérôme de Hemptinne (2022)*
- Animal lives matter : the quest for justice and rights / Raymond Wacks (2024)*
- Animal minds, animal souls, animal rights / James V. Parker (2010)*
- Animal rights activism / Kerstin Jacobsson and Jonas Lindblom (2017)*
- Animal rights and moral philosophy / Julian H. Franklin (2005)*
- Animal rights law / Raffael N. Fasel and Sean C. Butler (2023)
- Animal rights : what everyone needs to know / Paul Waldau (2010)*
- Animal welfare governance in EU agriculture : hybrid standards, trade and values in the agri-food chain / Diane Ryland (2023)*
- Birnie, Boyle, and Redgwell's International Law and the Environment / Alan Boyle and Catherine Redgwell (4th ed. 2021)
- The case for the legal protection of animals : humanity's shared destiny with the animal kingdom / Kimberly C. Moore (2023)*
- Criminal justice, wildlife conservation and animal rights in the anthropocene / ed. Ragnhild A. Sollund and Martine S.B. Lie (2024)
- Farm animal welfare law : international perspectives on sustainable agriculture and wildlife regulation / ed. Gabriela Steier (2024)
- Framing farming : communication strategies for animal rights / Carrie P. Freeman*
- Game changer animal rights and the fate of Africa's wildlife / Glen Martin (2012)*
- Global animal law research : strategies and resources / ed. Alex Zhang, Katherine Siler (2022)
- In het belang van de hond : rechten en plichten van de hondenbaas / Michel Knapen (2024)
- Juris zoology : a dissection of animals as legal objects / Geordie Duckler (2022)
- Justice for animals : our collective responsibility / Martha C. Nussbaum (2022)*
- Making a stand for animals / Oscar Horta (2022)*
- Romanticism and animal rights / David Perkins (2003)*
- Saving animals, saving ourselves : why animals matter for pandemics, climate change, and other catastrophes / Jeff Sebo (2022)
- A theory of justice for animals : animal rights in a nonideal world / Robert Garner (2013)
- Vogels en de wet / Harm Dotinga (2024)
- What can animal law learn from environmental law? / Randall S. Abate (2020)
* Available as e-book